How Do I Apply for Child Care at Little Lions Waldorf Child and Family Centre?

Little Lions Waldorf Child and Family Centre enrolls children from the OneList, a community waitlist that is found at

It is mandatory that all clients register and there is no charge to be on this waitlist.  Parents may request to know where they are on the waitlist. Parents may call Site Supervisors to determine where they are on the waitlist for specific centres.  These phone numbers can be found under the contact section of the website. This policy is in the Parent Handbook.

Site Supervisors offer spots when they come available based on the following criteria:

  1. Priority given to a family that wishes to enroll the sibling of a child currently attending. These families must still register on the Onelist.
  2. Priority given to a family requiring a full-time spot.
  3. If there are no requests for full-time, then Site Supervisors will offer part-time care to families with set schedules. Every effort will be made to match families that have complementary schedules, for example M,T,TH family matched with W,F family.  This will ensure maximum use of the available spaces.
  4. Flex care will only be offered if no full-time or part-time clients are available.
  5. Flex care clients will be given a spot on the understanding that if the spot is needed for another family with a set schedule, they may be given two weeks’ notice to make other arrangements.
  6. We will not have more than one flex spot per program as the financial loss is too great.
  7. Site Supervisors will remove a person from the waitlist if they refuse a spot three times.
  8. Site Supervisors will remove a client from the wait list if they do not call back within three business days of receiving an offer.
  9. Little Lions is an inclusive daycare and discrimination during enrolment for any reason is not tolerated.
  10. Children with special needs are accommodated provided the program will not exceed their manageable mix.
  11. Children are not enrolled on the basis of whether or not they are subsidized. We make every effort to keep this information confidential.